Heartful Shika Kyosei Dental Clinic w Hiroshima

JaponiaHeartful Shika Kyosei Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒731-5127 Hiroshima, Saeki Ward, Itsukaichi, 5-chōme−15−3 コーポ泉
kontakt telefon: +81 82-943-2007
strona internetowej: heartful-hiroshima.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.3702824, Longitude: 132.3583846

komentarze 5

  • 石田友香



    At first, I was worried about how long it would take and the cost, but they were very kind and helpful, and I think the customer service from the staff is great.

  • yoshi ino

    yoshi ino


    To be frank, it's crap. The teacher is not full of heart at all! I only think about the rotation rate! In the end, I had to undergo treatment again at another dentist. Most of the female staff are good.

  • A N

    A N


    I felt that it was a clean and safe environment where I could receive treatment.

  • 有岡瞳



    I felt more at ease when I received counseling here than when I went to other orthodontists because they explained things to me in a much more kind manner.

  • ゆか.



    I read reviews and looked at the website, but to be honest, I don't want to give a single star. The treatment was appropriate, and I had to see the doctor again right away, and when I mentioned my request, he gave me a blatantly disgusted look. I paid a lot of money out of my own pocket to have the patient examined, but in the end I had the same problem treated by a different dentist. It was so bad for me that I was afraid to go to the dentist for a while.

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