はやし歯科クリニック 総社市【歯医者/インビザライン/小児歯科】 en Soja

Japónはやし歯科クリニック 総社市【歯医者/インビザライン/小児歯科】



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒719-1135 Okayama, Soja, Mizokuchi, 122−11 【歯医者/インビザライン/小児歯科】
contactos teléfono: +81 866-90-1418
sitio web: hayashi-dental-clinic.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6755612, Longitude: 133.7331282

comentarios 5

  • 玲子難波



    I have been working with him for many years, and he always greets me with a smile, so I look forward to my visits.

  • あいうえお



    Thank you for always cleaning carefully. I have severe temporomandibular joint disorder, but the counseling provided by my doctor and hygienist is thorough and reassuring. My kids can come with me, and they enjoy going there because I give them a gurgle every time they get their fluoride applied! The receptionist is very nice and the waiting room is spacious, so I feel comfortable. I look forward to working with you.

  • 橋本朝美



    The atmosphere and treatment are polite, and my parents and children have been taking care of us for many years. The dental hygienist in charge is also friendly and skillful, so you can rest assured.

  • 中西陽子



    I've been coming here regularly for the past 15 years. This is because the teacher's eagerness to learn and the staff's responsiveness are something you won't find at other dentists. I would like you to continue to see it.

  • Yumi



    It's been 4 years since I've been working with Hayashi Dental. It started with a kind and thorough consultation, and the treatment was thorough and explained to me, and my teeth are now in perfect condition, and I am very grateful to them. The teachers and staff will treat you with respect. He is a dentist you can feel at ease with. Why not start with a consultation?

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