Hattori Coffee-sha i Toshima City

JapanHattori Coffee-sha



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-27-5 Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0022, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3971-3630
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.729473, Longitude: 139.712622

kommentar 5

  • Dezhou W

    Dezhou W


    Food wise is ok. The fat guy with spectacles has a really bad attitude. Just look at the rest of the reviews, fat guys with spectacles is a recurring feedback.

  • Nguyen Cole

    Nguyen Cole


    The coffee is expensive yet lacks exceptional quality. However, the store compensates by running the air conditioning at full blast, making it a viable option for escaping the summer heat. The staff's services is acceptable; given the high prices, they tend to leave customers to themselves and occasionally refill water without much hassle.

  • S.H



    Very bad attitude and they are unfriendly waiter . The fat guy wear glasses is very rude

  • Ingrid Lan

    Ingrid Lan


    The coffee here is not cheap (compare with other places and Starbucks), 800 yen a cup. Especially, the taste was normal. If you want to find a place for resting, or as me to avoid thunder storm, then it’s fine. Otherwise, it’s nothing special there.

  • NZ Fungi

    NZ Fungi


    An old establishment but not a good one. Extremely expensive and espresso came in about 10 seconds - I’m pretty sure from a Nespresso machine - sure tasted like it.

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