Hashimotoya i Sanjo




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2-chōme-13-22 Ishigami, Sanjo, Niigata 955-0084, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 256-34-2855
internet side: hashimotoya.x0.com
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Latitude: 37.6428741, Longitude: 138.9532516

kommentar 5

  • あまにょ(ぽろち)



    This time...I didn't have much of an appetite, so I ordered ramen from the standard menu. It's chlorella noodles, so tastes may vary, but they're chewy and delicious.The chashu pork is also soft and easy to eat. The gyoza were large and had chewy skin, and the toppings were solid and delicious. The seasonal milk ramen is also creamy, typical of a Western restaurant, and includes seafood such as clams, shrimp, and crab, so I think it's luxurious yet reasonably priced. The noodles are also chlorella noodles, but the white soup also had a gorgeous feel. I thought I would look forward to Western food next time.

  • せみだぶる



    I found this because I wanted to eat curry ramen! It doesn't feel too spicy when you're eating it, but the delicious spicy aftertaste that lingers after you eat it is addictive! The hamburger curry (served sizzling on a piping hot iron plate) and gyoza (large pieces with lots of chives) are also very delicious! The staff girl was also very polite and innocent, which made me like her.

  • 高橋翔太



    I went there for the first time, and I ate hamburger curry and rebakatsu! The hamburger was soft and delicious, and the curry was very delicious with the beef being mushy! The rebakatsu was exquisite and had a sweet and salty seasoning that made you want rice, like a tare cutlet that you could eat as much as you wanted without any bitterness!

  • 夢がふっとつ!食べ歩きブログ



    It's been around for about 35 years. There are many menus ranging from Western food to ramen, but we recommend Western food and set menus! I ate a hamburger and rice set, and it was a very delicious hamburger. I was really interested in the other set menu (Levanila), and I heard a group of ladies next door saying, ``The gyoza here is the best!'' so I have to come back!

  • 照蘭



    It looks like the soup curry I had in Hokkaido and is filled with colorful vegetables. It's not too spicy, so it's spicy enough for everyone. As for the taste, it didn't just taste like ramen with curry on it, but it felt like the soup was made to go well with the curry. Personally, I would prefer it to be a little more hot and spicy, but I think it's satisfying enough.

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