Hashimoto Dental Clinic w Chikusei

JaponiaHashimoto Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

87-3 Yokotsuka, Chikusei, Ibaraki 309-1116, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 296-57-7551
strona internetowej: www.hashimoto-dent.net
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 36.3230036, Longitude: 140.0091225

komentarze 5

  • ćƒžć‚­ć‚·ćƒžćƒ ć‚¶

    ćƒžć‚­ć‚·ćƒžćƒ ć‚¶


    Worst dentist ever. It's better not to go seriously.

  • ę©‹ē”°



    It's been several years since I've had cavities treated many times, followed by a dental covering, inflammation, opening and treatment, dental covering, cracking of the dental covering, and repeated opening and treatment. There was no sign of any discomfort and the patient was treated calmly. At first, even though I didn't ask for it, I had a high-quality white false tooth made without any explanation, and then it immediately became inflamed, and I had the white false tooth made again (expensive) and it broke right away.This time, I had it made again with silver teeth. Then inflammation. I don't think it will ever heal. If this treatment doesn't help, I'm thinking of changing my dentist. He's a really terrible dentist. I think there's some compatibility, but it's terrible. I would like my time and money back.

  • ć‚¹ćƒžć‚¤ćƒ«ćƒ‡ćƒŖ惐ćƒŖćƒ¼



    Even though I didn't have a toothache, my tooth was removed due to cavities treatment, and within a few months my toothache started to ache and my gums swelled up a few days after I had the nerve root treated and had a tooth inserted.Another dentist told me that my tooth was cracked and asked me to have it removed. Okay, you're kidding me, are you going twice? This is my first time writing a review. What do you think about people's teeth? How many times have I been sent to see someone and paid for it, only to have my tooth extracted? I want to cry.

  • TM MM

    TM MM


    The staff and director are very responsive, the office is clean, and the dentist is easy to visit. He is a kind doctor who helps me with whitening and explains things in a very thorough and kind manner. He kindly consulted with me about my son's orthodontics.

  • 4620 MB

    4620 MB


    As a doctor, I cannot comment, but sometimes I come across a car that turns right from this dental clinic, straddles two lanes of traffic and the equivalent of one Zebrazo lane, and then enters the fourth lane. I feel intense fear. I would like to see a sign stating that right turns are prohibited in the waiting room and parking lot.

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