Harukishoni Kyosei Dental Clinic w Akashi

JaponiaHarukishoni Kyosei Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒674-0068 Hyogo, Akashi, Ōkubochō Yurinokidōri, 1-chōme−4−2
kontakt telefon: +81 78-938-0555
strona internetowej: harukidc.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6813539, Longitude: 134.9366897

komentarze 5

  • まっきぃ



    I have been going to the hospital since I was a child. The teachers are kind and all the staff are kind. Recently, there seems to have been a service that lets you take care of your children, so I'm thinking of using it next time. I'm happy to be able to leave my child with me from 6 months onwards! ︎

  • みにみに



    I have been going there for orthodontics and regular check-ups since I was a child! The director of the clinic is a nice person who loves children. Recently, it seems like there has been a generational change to younger teachers. We also have a partner with a large hospital, and once they wrote us an invitation and it was discovered that I was sick. Thank you very much for your help. He is a dentist who also provides consultations on matters other than dentistry. I think they will be very empathetic to families with children.

  • よめおかき



    Both the doctor and the dental hygienist were kind and did thorough examinations and explanations. Recommended for those who don't mind the noise of children.

  • 玖木かずさ



    The doctors treat us very kindly, and thanks to that, the child is happy to go and says, ``I love going to the dentist!'' I had my wisdom teeth extracted here, and the process went well without any pain after the extraction.I think they have polite and skilled people.

  • rasiko muten

    rasiko muten


    If your child is going to the dentist for the first time, this is the place. The teachers and staff are good. Reservations are required, so even if it's crowded, you won't have to wait long. I took my 2-year-old with me and it was amazing that he didn't mind vacuuming or removing tartar.

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