Happy Dental Clinic w Naha

JaponiaHappy Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒902-0061 Okinawa, Naha, Furujima, 1-chōme−9−14
kontakt telefon: +81 98-943-3399
strona internetowej: happydc.site
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 26.228239, Longitude: 127.7051939

komentarze 5

  • Nina



    This is a dentist who kindly helped me when I was at a loss because another dentist I was going to suddenly closed down. I've been going there for several years now. I believe that he is a doctor with reliable skills and techniques who can handle even difficult treatments. The skills and knowledge of the dental hygienists are by far the best of any dentist I've ever been to, and all the staff are kind and sincere. I'm glad I found this dentist!

  • akiko yonamine

    akiko yonamine


    I went to the hospital with my child for preventive dental cleaning. It's still a time when children don't like going to the dentist, but thanks to the kind treatment of the staff, they didn't dislike going to the dentist the second time, and I was surprised to see them smile. Thank you for your kind words♪

  • 平田小百合



    The staff are very polite and kind. We have a wide range of cosmetic dentistry services and are reasonably priced compared to others. I go for whitening regularly, and the whitening bonus comes with teeth cleaning!

  • Junichi Akiyama

    Junichi Akiyama


    All of the staff members are kind and polite. This is a dentist that children can feel safe going to. My child is not afraid of the doctor's examination and treatment, which is very helpful to me as a parent. Thank you. This is a very popular dentist, so we recommend making reservations in advance! Now I go there not for treatment, but for preventive care and regular check-ups.

  • 知念美咲



    He was the only dentist who was able to accommodate me right away even though he was fully booked! ! I was nervous because it was my first time there, but they cared about pregnant women and provided prompt treatment without any pain. Everyone, including the doctor, treated me kindly and made me feel at ease. I'm happy to have found such a wonderful dentist! thank you very much. . .

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