Hankyu Oasis Yamashina w Kyoto

JaponiaHankyu Oasis Yamashina



🕗 godziny otwarcia

20-1 Nagitsuji Nishitsubushi, Yamashina Ward, Kyoto, 607-8164, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 75-594-8821
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.9721216, Longitude: 135.8113471

komentarze 5

  • R. Tak.

    R. Tak.


    Regular cash register/semi-self cash register installed Cash, liter (cash card), credit, etc. are accepted. Pay-Pay and other electronic payments are possible. Parking lot rooftop Parking tickets have been changed to number reading systems. Free barcode printing on receipts when shopping at Oasis Restroom with wheelchair/baby bed, separate restroom for men and women We sell quality ingredients including meat and fish. Hankyu original brands are also sold. Locally grown vegetables are also good. In addition to sweets, there is also a wide selection of gift items, including fruit.

  • Tomoya S'

    Tomoya S'


    It was still a high-end supermarket. It's a good place to go once in a while because they sell things that are different from your usual supermarkets.

  • RAGat悠



    Many products are slightly expensive, but They have a lot of delicious food. The bread corner is especially recommended. Meat with a bad color is sometimes placed there. Deli dishes, fish, and sushi are only available after they have been discounted.The best time to go is around 7pm. There aren't many vegetables, and sometimes the shelves are empty when I go at night.

  • 池田肇



    On October 28th, I went to the store on my way home from work to buy ingredients to make a pot. The fish at this store is pretty good, so I bought my favorite mackerel sushi (at that time, they only had grilled mackerel sushi) and went home. And prepare the pot. Beer, grilled mackerel sushi... it was horrible. There was no taste of mackerel at all, and it was a bit fishy...I've never had anything like this before...it was the worst mackerel sushi I've ever eaten. I had always decided on Hankyu Oasis for fish-related things, but I thought I'd give it a little more thought in the future. I knew the prices were high overall, but I still went there.

  • Tyler Morgan (HTMMusic)

    Tyler Morgan (HTMMusic)


    May be a bit expensive on some items, but some of the things you can get there you have to go to Kyoto to get at a higher price. It conveniently has a nice drug store attached to the building and the staff are very helpful; if you can speak Japanese that is. Check out the bakery, they have 100 yen bread fresh everyday and it's amazing.

najbliższy Supermarket

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