Hanamizuki Dental Clinic en Hiroshima

JapónHanamizuki Dental Clinic


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1-chōme-19-26 Sendō, Saeki Ward, Hiroshima, 731-5141, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-961-3836
sitio web: www.hanamizuki-dc.net
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.3783899, Longitude: 132.3517893

comentarios 5

  • b s

    b s


    I've been using it for over 10 years already. I don't have any cavities these days, so I mainly use them for dental checkups and teeth cleanings. The dental hygienist I have now is the nicest person, and she talks to me about things other than work, and I'm really happy that she's willing to talk to me about this. 🙂 I thought it would be well received. On the other hand, I realized that I needed to listen to what they had to say, and I also started to think that I needed to take better care of my teeth. I want that person to continue to be in charge, and I don't want him to resign. The only regrettable thing is that I haven't received any postcards for my regular health check recently. I wanted to give it a perfect score, but as a result I lowered my rating by one. But next time, I’m sure you’ll send it to me and I’m waiting for it 🙂

  • z w

    z w


    I think the atmosphere is nice and the service is polite. I think both the doctor and the dental hygienist are very personable. But the explanation is not enough. Especially in terms of reservations. Even cleaning sessions are divided into separate visits, assuming that appointments can only be made for one hour. Do you think you have free time? I suddenly made an appointment to have the cover removed and have it replaced, but they made an appointment to have it cleaned the next week, so they didn't extend the appointment time, and I was only able to get half of the cleaning done until I came to the hospital. Know. I would understand if there were circumstances that forced splitting from the beginning, but there wasn't enough explanation, so I've had similar situations several times where I only learned about it after coming to the hospital. It's already difficult to get reservations, so I hope they don't ruin the reservations they've made by adjusting their plans. I hope it improves. postscript A female teacher pulled the device out of my mouth from behind for a photo, but she removed it without telling me, and it hurt, and I didn't like her lack of attentiveness. I think she was pregnant, but if it's too painful for her to be cared for, I hope she doesn't get help. Added again I got cavities. I used to go there. Everyone should get an X-ray done once a year. I won't take it here. I've been cleaning it for a while, but I can't seem to notice it visually.

  • bee bee

    bee bee


    I was finally able to visit the dentist once I had the false tooth inserted, but when I came back to the office because of the pain, I had to disinfect the periodontal pockets, as the swelling in the gums could be inflaming the periodontal pockets. They said. However, the pain did not get worse and when I returned to the hospital, I found that it was still swollen, so I disinfected it and that was it. However, when I came back to the hospital because I was still in pain, the pain did not go away that quickly. I was told to disinfect it again. The next day, my face was swollen and I was in pain all day, and when I went to another dentist, I found out that my false teeth had not been cleaned and had been filled with pus. It was so tough and I was able to endure it. There is no inflammation of the periodontal pockets. That's what I mean. I didn't want to change my dentist because the female doctor was so nice, but I was disappointed that I had to endure pain for 1-2 weeks and spend so much money on pointless disinfection.

  • コイン通り探検隊



    Beautiful interior. The director and staff seemed a little cold and businesslike, but the director's wife was a nice person. I think the woman at the reception is cold and selfish. I think there are many areas for improvement.

  • 石川司郎



    When I went there for the first time because I had a toothache, I was told that I couldn't go today because I didn't have an appointment.Everyone knows what it's like to have a toothache, so I can't believe they turned me down.On my first visit, they treat me at any hospital.

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