Hamura w Yokosuka




🕗 godziny otwarcia

4293 Akiya, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 240-0105, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 46-855-5222
strona internetowej: www.tempura-hamura.sakura.ne.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.246613, Longitude: 139.593768

komentarze 5

  • さっさん



    This is the best tempura taste of my life. All the tempura that comes out is delicious. I tried other famous restaurants in Ginza in search of delicious tempura, but this one was better. Above all, the ingredients such as sea urchin, shrimp, and matsutake mushrooms are carefully selected and made using the best techniques, so there's no reason it wouldn't be delicious. It is a difficult place to go by car, so it may be a bit inconvenient for people without a car. But it's definitely a store worth visiting.

  • Ikuno Fujii

    Ikuno Fujii


    Visited on September 1, 2024. The protrusion is white mushroom mousse. The tempura courses were as follows (in no particular order. I may have missed some...) - Live shrimp - Yamatoimo large cigar -Shrimp Shiitake Mushroom -Abalone - Sea urchin seaweed roll -kiss -Asparagus -Corn - Ginkgo - Scallops - Conger eel - conger eel -Aorika - Matsutake mushroom Even after eating a full meal, I didn't feel hungry at all, and it was an eye-opening experience that made me realize what the tempura I'd been eating was all about. The tempo of frying and the order of the courses are perfect, so you won't get bored. You can see that not only the tempura ingredients, but also the tempura sauce, salt, and lemon are carefully selected and prepared. The homemade sorbet is so delicious that I wish there were a shop like this. I heard that there are no apprentices, so I would like to visit again while I can enjoy this technique.

  • きーち



    As expected, this is a one-star restaurant in the Michelin Guide. These are my impressions after taking the bamboo course. The shrimp are fragrant and sweet. The shrimp heads also have a nice texture. Shiso has a nice aroma and has something like a soft rice cake inside. The taste of the shiitake mushroom soup and the faint aroma of the stuffed shrimp paste. The richness of the sweet sea urchin and the scent of the ocean from the seaweed A kiss that never crumbles. Salt goes well. Elastic clams. A little bitter. Tsuyu might be suitable. Easy-to-eat abalone that is not too chewy Plump turban shell. Sweet corn. Lotus roots are crunchy and have a somewhat deep aftertaste. Salt goes well with it. The sweetfish head has a complex taste, and the body is sweet and has no unpleasant taste. Conger eel has no taste and has a faint fragrance. Sweet bigfin squid. Sweet ginnan. Fragrant matsutake. I was already full, but the tempura in the tempura bowl with green tea had a gentle taste. The sorbet at the end tasted like good ingredients and was great. The flowers blooming outside the shop are also nice.

  • Lore Lei

    Lore Lei


    Excellent experience and taste and service!!!

  • J L

    J L


    Excellent Tempura Decent atmosphere Great service

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