Hamigaki Dental Clinic w Kochi

JaponiaHamigaki Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

18-18-18-1 Kitakubo, Kochi, 781-0088, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 88-856-8516
strona internetowej: hamigakishika.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5697865, Longitude: 133.5662802

komentarze 5

  • にわかファン田舎の



    I had a chipped back tooth and went to the doctor for the first time in a long time. I chose this after reading the reviews, and the receptionist and doctor were both pleasant and kind, so I felt at ease receiving treatment. Even after the treatment, he explains the symptoms and precautions in detail, and he is a very trustworthy doctor. I think this is a clinic that even people who don't like dentists can visit with peace of mind.

  • 雅春角田



    Closely related to lifestyle-related diseases To prevent periodontal disease Regular tartar removal is effective 🎵 I can diagnose you fairly quickly. I recommend it☆

  • 渡邊佑南



    I had a lot of pain in my tooth, so I went to see this clinic because it was open when my regular dentist was closed. The treatment was very thorough, and the doctor and hygienist were very responsive.

  • ヤマト



    I previously visited him for a checkup and received compliments on my teeth. This time I had a tooth that I was concerned about, and when I contacted them, they took care of it right away. Although I have been away for several years, the doctor is still easy to talk to, efficient and pleasant to consult. If my child was young, I would have liked to see a doctor.

  • パターマット工房



    I have been seeing her regularly for 6 years. He is completely different from the dentists of the past. More than 6 years ago, another dentist told me, ``It's no good. When should I take it out?'' He patiently examined my tooth, and it is still in good health. Thanks to his emphasis on prevention, I currently have no bleeding gums or periodontal disease. From now on, I would like to continue to keep my mouth in a healthy condition by not missing regular checkups at Brush Dental.

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