Hamakatsu Kumamoto Tatsuda en Kumamoto

JapónHamakatsu Kumamoto Tatsuda



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-1-68 Tatsudamachi Yuge, Kita Ward, Kumamoto, 861-8002, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-339-4831
sitio web: shop.hamakatsu.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8508437, Longitude: 130.7825603

comentarios 5

  • K r

    K r


    I went there for the first time in over 10 years. Previously, rice would come out in a rice bowl, but now it's in a bowl. The cabbage and pickles were also delicious. The loin cutlet was crispy.

  • こてんてん



    I came to the store because I was attracted by the pop-sized plum shiso cutlet on the outside. Enjoy lunch at a reasonable price! However, this time it was lunchtime and there were a lot of customers, so it seemed like it took longer for the food to be served and we had to wait longer than usual. Also, is the cutlet less crispy than before? ? The cream croquette I ordered separately was also not piping hot. Plum shiso does not contain plums as shown in the photo. It wasn't a cutlet that could taste the flavor of plum or shiso. I guess it can't be helped because everywhere the pop pictures are taken to look good lol But it's delicious and the customer service is good. I will use it again with a different menu. Calm atmosphere makes it easy for even a single woman to use I was able to eat slowly. Thank you for the meal.

  • to kou

    to kou


    (2024/03/19) Ordered loin and chicken nanban lunch ¥1000 First utterance: “Hey!” Both the cutlet and nanban are small compared to the menu. It's different from the photo, isn't it? The menu had 4 pieces of cutlet, but the actual cutlet was 3...I was completely fooled (lol). 2 sausage-sized chicken nanban If this is the only side dish, fewer people will order second helpings of rice. I guess it's the store's strategy...

  • 白撥中



    For dinner, we had ginger grilled gozen and assorted cutlet gozen 🍴🙏 My favorites are fillet cutlet and fried shrimp, but sometimes I choose ginger-yaki, which is soaked in sweet and spicy sauce❗ The sauce seems to have changed compared to before, but it's a delicious dish that goes well with white rice 👌 I'm glad that you can get a second helping of red soup stock, cabbage, or rice, and the ginger sauce and cabbage dressing are very delicious. If you don't have enough side dishes, we also offer a service where you can choose a second cutlet, curry, or shellfish soup for an additional fee👍️❗

  • めめ



    Came to the store around 3pm on weekdays. I was able to take a seat without waiting. The contents were slightly different between the paper menu and the touch panel menu. The touch panel had more menus. I think it's nice to be able to order one item at a time, such as fried shrimp or fried horse mackerel. It's delicious to eat with the secret sauce, but if you ask, they'll bring you soy sauce. Please try eating it with soy sauce once. soy sauce! ? You may think so, but it fits! Black pork loin cutlet is often sold out. It was my first time visiting this store, but the Japanese-style dressing tasted waterier than the store I usually go to. There is no button to call the clerk on the touch panel, so you have to press the call button next to the table.

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