Hamada Hospital w Kitakyushu

JaponiaHamada Hospital


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-8-8-7 Kurosaki, Yahatanishi Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 806-0021, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 93-621-0198
strona internetowej: hamada-hp.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8656525, Longitude: 130.7643185

komentarze 5

  • 0818 tt

    0818 tt


    That was about four years ago. I came to our hospital because I had a cold and a fever. Since I was also taking medication from a mental clinic, wouldn't it be better for my doctor to see a psychiatrist? They said. I thought I had heard it wrong, but I was surprised when it was said twice. You don't have an eye for people, so wouldn't it be better to see a psychiatrist? However, I had been given medicine for a cold a few days before, and I suspected that I had the flu, so I took a test, but it was negative. After that, I had another doctor who told me to come and get medicine if I wasn't feeling well, so I was about to run out of medicine, which was the reason I went to see a doctor, but the male doctor asked me if I should go see a psychiatrist. ? So, are you saying that by looking at the medical records? What did you say? ? I no longer understand the meaning. I felt very bad. From that day on, I didn't feel like this hospital was going to take proper care of me. I won't be going again. When I feel like this, I get disappointed. As humans and as doctors, isn't it okay to show this kind of attitude to patients? ? I thought it was convenient because it was in front of Com City, but I don't think it's appropriate for patients to have a doctor talk to them like this. I still remember it, and I will never forget it.

  • lily arma

    lily arma


    This is one of the few hospitals in this area that accepts fever outpatients. I visited for a coronavirus antibody test. People with a fever are tested outside in a shed-like area, which was clean and cool. I had read the reviews here, so I asked them to be gentle when they put a cotton swab in my nose, and they did so gently and carefully. The attitude of the doctors and nurses was normal, and it wasn't as bad as some of the reviews said.

  • Reito. Jp

    Reito. Jp


    I used it for a coronavirus test, but the nurse rubbed the device that collects nasal mucosa down my throat for about 30 seconds, which caused my throat to become inflamed. I can't sleep because it hurts so much. In the case of coronavirus, the staff was outside, but I was told that the test would take 10 to 15 minutes and the staff returned to the hospital, so I waited outside until then. However, it didn't come back even after about 30 minutes. Things were really tough due to the coronavirus, so I called twice to remind them, but it didn't really help. I didn't feel as negative about the doctor and nurses as I did from other people's reviews, but I wonder about their skills as doctors. I would like to receive medicine for inflammation free of charge.

  • 河野真一



    I visited for my third vaccination against the new coronavirus. I'm already 61 years old, but the house where I was born and raised was right in front of Hamada Hospital. Since I was young, I have been taking care of you due to injuries and influenza. This time I visited because I wanted to receive the Pfizer vaccine. I am also satisfied with the response from everyone at the hospital. I'm really thankful to you.

  • Miyu Murai

    Miyu Murai


    It's the worst. When my elderly grandmother, who lived alone, was hospitalized due to lower back pain caused by a compression fracture in her lumbar vertebrae, she may have called for a nurse too many times, but she was removed so that she could not be called. In addition, the door was closed in the private room, so that even if I called loudly, my voice could not be heard. Even after we finished eating, we weren't asked to put down the dishes until the lights went out at 8pm, and the helper noticed on the way home and took them down for us. After dinner, I am not allowed to brush my teeth. In addition, when a neurosurgeon at another hospital tested her for dementia, she was told that there were no problems and that she was suitable for her age, but she was also said to have cognitive impairment, a symptom that could be interpreted as delirium. I don't know if I understand the difference between dementia and delirium correctly, and I think it's inappropriate for a doctor to make such a statement without testing. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, there were no hospitals where I could be admitted, so I finally found one, but I was convinced that it was open because it was a hospital like this. My family only visits me once a month, so I can't safely admit my child to the hospital. I have seen nurses at other hospitals treat patients and this is one of the worst. We want doctors and nurses to do their jobs professionally. The massagers and helpers are kind.

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