
🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒811-3208 Fukuoka, Fukutsu, Himakino, 6-chōme−16−1 イオンモール福津 2F
kontakter telefon: +81
internet side: maps.hama-sushi.co.jp
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Latitude: 33.7526279, Longitude: 130.4935964

kommentar 5

  • 長谷川真実



    I used it the other day. Anyway, it comes out quickly. Even though it was lunch time and there were quite a few customers, the order came in about a minute after I pressed the order button. I don't know because it's pre-made, but there's nothing special about it. I was freaked out because I worked so fast. It comes out faster than when my local Hama Sushi is empty.

  • RIN y

    RIN y


    I ordered tuna for my child and it was so fishy that the staff asked me to replace it. After that, we waited over 5 minutes each time for the items we ordered. The person at the table next to me had items that took a lot of work to order and they came right away. Aosa's miso soup was lukewarm. Most of the sushi toppings were sloppy with almost no ingredients. I ordered tuna for the second time, and the tuna that arrived after waiting for more than 5 minutes was all at the end of the line. I called the store clerk again and asked him to replace it. The replacement item was ready in seconds. This is the first time I have experienced harassment from the cooking staff behind the scenes. It's a shame because the staff at the front desk were very kind. I should have taken a photo.

  • 雪苺



    It was served immediately after ordering on the touch panel.

  • ながまあちゃん



    Hamazushi is located on the 2nd floor of Aeon Mall Fukutsu. This store is very convenient not only for the elderly but also for people with limited appetite. First, orders are made by plate. On the other hand, prepared foods at ordinary stores and supermarkets are sold in packs. This may be too much. But here, when you don't really want it, you can only eat two or three dishes, and only the types you like. Second, on weekdays, each plate costs 100 yen (the price has gone up, but I guess it can't be helped). I ate 3 dishes today and it cost 330 yen including tax. I was able to go home with a full stomach. Well, it's a convenient store. Third, depending on the item, you can cut the rice in half. This way you can easily reduce your sugar intake. However, I recently noticed that the rice is slightly vinegared rice. I don't think it's enough, but are they taking into consideration children who dislike vinegared rice?

  • quang tung Phung

    quang tung Phung



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