Hakkoku en Chūō-ku




🕗 horarios

3階, ラペビル 6 Chome-7-6 Ginza, Chūō-ku, Tōkyō-to 104-0061, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-6280-6555
sitio web: tabelog.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6704471, Longitude: 139.7627103

comentarios 5

  • en

    Russell Yap


    This place ranks number 2 in terms of my TOP few sushi restaurants around the world! The rice is so flavourful with a deep rich dark Color which contrasts so beautifully with each piece of fish in terms of Color and taste. The Chef was very friendly and he explains each fish to us the best that he can and it is so hypnotic just looking at him prepare our meal. Highlights of the meal: - Monkfish liver (Ankimo), so smooth that it melts in our mouth. Imagine foie gras of the sea - 2nd Chutoro (the more fatty piece), melt in your mouth with just the right amount of chew - Bafun Uni , sweet decadence with Uni likes so high - Tamagoyaki, topped with brûlée sugar to give it that sweet finish And also, Being offered the chance to help out in the kitchens as an extra hand (washing dishes) @ はっこく Hakkoku

  • ja

    Masato Ushikubo


    はっこくの当日はお腹を空かせて行ってください。そうすれば30カンはあっという間です。 とかみ時代からの赤酢シャリがサッパリしていて、次から次へパクパクいけちゃいます。シャリの大きさも調整可能。赤酢シャリはやはり赤身のお魚やあん肝との相性は抜群‼ヒカリモノや貝類や甲殻類、魚卵系にも素晴らしくマッチしており、日本酒が大変すすみました。酒はあっさりしたものから辛口まで品揃えあり、楽しめました。6席×三部屋も接待にも使いやすく、内装もモダンなテイストで素敵でした。 予約は大変取りづらいようで、電話もなかなか繋がりにくいようです。外国人がそれでも多いのは、彼らは海外のサイトで予約を入れているようです。英語のサイトへアクセスすれば予約できそうです。

  • Jacqueline Chang

    Jacqueline Chang


    The highlight here is the amazing rice they use, which changes the taste of the different sushi to something that feels more light and modern. The tamago dessert was a bonus, it looked exactly like a tamago but tasted like créme brûlée as they had torched the top layer.

  • Yosh Kasahara

    Yosh Kasahara


    This is a top-level Edo-mae sushi experience in Tokyo. Still new enough to be accessible. Get in while you can!

  • David Dudi Califa

    David Dudi Califa


    HAKKOKU! The newest Sushiya in Tokyo. Chef Hiroyuki Sato ,one of the top sushi masters in the world, just opened his own shop, and you'd better run because in a very short time Hakkoku (White & Black) will be impossible to book.

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