海鮮工房 鰻ま屋 i Gamagori

Japan海鮮工房 鰻ま屋



🕗 åbningstider

Fish Market, 2-chōme-2 Kaiyōchō, Gamagori, Aichi 443-0014, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 533-58-2837
internet side: www.lagunatenbosch.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.8088483, Longitude: 137.2735924

kommentar 5

  • こんぶだし



    Laguna rice bowl and seafood kakiage rice bowl are tasty, filling and cost-effective at 500 yen. The rice bowls are voluminous, so it's better to add miso soup (sold separately for 50 yen). They also have eel rice balls, and you can enjoy eel at a reasonable price of 200 yen.

  • , “‪yoppiii303‬” 。

    , “‪yoppiii303‬” 。


    I ordered the white fish kakiage bowl. It was so oily that I couldn't finish it. (sorry) In this era of tourist destinations and high prices, 500 yen for a bowl of rice is too much 👏🏻

  • みっちーみずの(みっちー)



    After eating two bowls of Laguna Tendon and Eel Minced Bento, I was full, and at 1,000 yen (tax included for each one coin), I would like to say that it was cheap, delicious, and fast.However, it is a long wait from ordering at a popular restaurant until it is served. . However, if I go to Lagunasia, I will definitely come back♪

  • K M

    K M


    A rice bowl is almost 500 yen! Mexicali fried chicken 350 yen Surprise price taga oolong tea I want to bring it.

  • じぇーむず



    Always a long line Although it is an eel restaurant, it is very popular because its tempura rice bowl is the best value for money. Fried shrimp bowl 500 yen The big oysters are much more impressive than the rice. Thank you for the delicious meal♪

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