海老一統 en Wakayama




🕗 horarios

Hyōgonochō-15-1 Hatayashiki, Wakayama, 640-8399, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 73-431-8878
sitio web: ebi-110.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.2359882, Longitude: 135.1826023

comentarios 5

  • はなぱん



    I used to go there often with my husband when I was a first-generation Ebi-itou, but when I went back several years ago, I was surprised to find that the atmosphere had completely changed. Some of the food was delicious, so I don't think it was bad. However, there are some disappointing points... It's reasonably priced, and I guess it's because of the location, but I don't think I'll be able to go there often... Both the forewara and the wagyu steak were delicious. I'm happy to be able to eat raw gluten tempura and unusual tempura⁉️

  • machako yo

    machako yo


    It was delicious, but the price was not written on the menu, so I was a little surprised when I checked out. I went there for the first time because I was curious about it, but I can only go there on special days... The staff at the shop were friendly and the atmosphere was very nice.

  • yuki tumura

    yuki tumura


    Tempura is just delicious! He teaches us how to eat delicious food and is very kind. Even though it's fried...you can eat it without feeling heavy in your stomach.

  • 村岡かずみ



    It's expensive for now. The taste is sure, but I can't afford 1000 yen for one crab cream croquette lol I didn't even get a receipt...For reference (*_*)

  • 隆坂本



    Crispy tempura in a clean store❗The owner and his wife have a simple personality, and the tempura here is exactly what you get🎵It goes well with white wine!!

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