Haibara General Hospital in Makinohara

JapanHaibara General Hospital


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Japan, 〒421-0421 Shizuoka, Makinohara, Hosoe, 2887−1 南館
kontakte telefon: +81 548-22-1131
webseite: www.hospital.haibara.shizuoka.jp
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Latitude: 34.7555639, Longitude: 138.2380304

kommentare 5

  • y yu

    y yu


    I didn't know which hospital or department I should go to, so when I called another hospital, this hospital was recommended to me. When I asked over the phone if a diagnosis was possible, she answered, "It's fine." However, when I actually went there, I couldn't make a diagnosis. I think I waited for about 40 minutes, but the doctor simply said that he couldn't diagnose me, and instead of referring me to another hospital, I just paid the consultation fee and went home. Maybe it was my fault that I didn't know what department I should see or what kind of hospital I should go to. Maybe choosing this hospital was a mistake. However, if a diagnosis cannot be made, I wish they would have told me that it could not be done over the phone. Valuable time and money was wasted. The nurses and office staff were so kind and helpful!

  • Yashpal Sajwan

    Yashpal Sajwan


    Be cautious! warning! All the people from foreign countries please be careful while getting treatment at this hospital specifically if they want you to get admitted. They are gonna charge you almost 2 times that usually other hospitals around Shizuoka charge and they don’t have well trained staff to even figure out the problems. They have very basic facilities and they would recommend you to some other hospital after keeping you there for more than a week or two. I have been there 4-5 times and every time I have this kind of experience. The only problem is that they are only hospital in Makinohara and Yoshida area. be cautious! alert! All people coming from abroad please be careful while getting treatment in this hospital, especially if they want to be admitted. They will charge you about 2 times what other hospitals around Shizuoka usually charge and they also don't have well-trained staff to spot problems. They have very basic facilities and they will recommend you to some other hospital after keeping you there for more than a week or two. I have been there 4-5 times and every time I have had a similar experience. The only problem is that they are the only hospital in the Makinohara and Yoshida area.

  • pon pon

    pon pon


    The other day, I was taken by ambulance with an aortic dissection. However, at this hospital, he was diagnosed with cerebral hemorrhage. The test took more than three hours while he was in a near-death state, but the diagnosis result was a big mistake. If there had been a neurosurgeon on duty, I think there is a possibility that the brain could have been opened without any abnormalities. Thinking about it now makes me shudder. In the end, I was unable to cope with my condition at this hospital, so I was able to save my life at a general hospital in Fujieda City. I can't believe that a hospital doesn't even know the symptoms of aortic dissection. I don't think I will go to this hospital again. If you want to save your life, please avoid this hospital.

  • 雅.



    Late last year, I was hospitalized with shingles. The doctors were a bit weird, but I was relieved when there was a young, cute nurse with black hair and a ponytail who met her. Even when I held his hand, he listened to me without making a disgusted face. thank you very much.

  • ココロロ



    Anyway, it's good that the waiting time is short because it's empty.The parking lot where the hospital is located is always full, so I park on the side across the road.It's spacious. The nurse who attended the hospital was friendly.

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