Hachiōji Post Office in Hachioji

JapanHachiōji Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

7-chōme-21-1 Ōwadamachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-8799, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 570-943-307
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6668782, Longitude: 139.3407425

kommentare 5

  • I K

    I K


    The call starts with an automated guidance service, but the call is automatically disconnected after one call, so you have to call back many times and start over from the beginning each time. And no matter how many times I call, they don't answer even during business hours. It's too bad.

  • まーくん



    The delivery person's attitude is very bad. Additionally, there are local rules unique to Hachioji Post Office, which customers are forced to follow. If you offer your opinion, you will be rejected. They don't seem to want to improve themselves.

  • 左官の職人長兵衛



    There are only 6 to 7 parking spaces. As I was entering, I passed a mail car that was coming out, but it was quite narrow. If you are coming from the Akishima direction, you will have to cross to the right side of the intersection, causing trouble for the cars following you. (I managed to get in because the road was empty around 9pm on weekday nights, but it still caused trouble for the cars behind me.) I think it would be smoother to turn left and enter from the south side.

  • Verna Perina

    Verna Perina


    The lady who assisted me today had a bad attitude as foreign I am not that confident to write my declared gift in the mail form in Katakana and Hiragana instead I wrote it in Romanji just to make sure it will be correct but she showed it to another person and they Lough it was just sad instead of helping me she has that bad attitude 😔 I will never ever back in that post office be more kind to your fellow person even though we are foreign in your country 😔

  • K Yama

    K Yama


    A little inconvenient. It's on the corner of an intersection, but if you're driving by car, I think it's best not to go if you're not used to driving. The main street is a slope. The feeling of a bicycle running down the narrow sidewalk is scary. Be careful when entering and exiting the warehouse!

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