Gyoza no Ohsho - Seven Park Ario Kashiwa i Kashiwa

JapanGyoza no Ohsho - Seven Park Ario Kashiwa



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1-chōme-6番地1 Ōshimata, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0922, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 4-7191-5376
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Latitude: 35.8328453, Longitude: 140.0128039

kommentar 5

  • 八木孝雄



    I didn't originally like Osho, but when I saw Dandanmen on the menu, I ordered it for the first time in a while and it didn't taste good. There wasn't a lot of vegetables on it, and the soup only had the smell of sesame and chili oil in the hot water.I thought there might be miso somewhere, but even though I stirred it well, the smell of sesame only got a little stronger. When I tell a guy who looks like a part-time worker that I can't taste the soup, he takes a lick of the soup and it tastes like sesame seeds. That's it. Well, even if you say you don't need it, they'll just say, "Haa." After all, Osho is not a place where you can pay to eat.❗️ When I looked back at the photo later, it looked like it had minced meat on it, but it wasn't there! It's a wonder it didn't collapse. ⭐️ without

  • rira kuma

    rira kuma


    It's a food court so it's easy to use. I ordered the levanilla set and the fried rice and gyoza set. The gyoza was limp and the customer service was not polite, but both the levanilla and fried rice were delicious.

  • せんべろmix代表



    The seasoning and taste may vary depending on your favorite Osho and the chef at the store, but the gyoza is always delicious no matter where you eat it! ! The good thing about Ario store is that it is located inside the food court. There are a lot of kids here, so since there is a microwave, you can bring your own lunch box and just enjoy the gyoza! There are also some tricks. ⚫︎Gyoza It has a chewy texture and lots of ingredients. I'm a little disappointed that there's no yuzu sauce, but it's still delicious! Vinegar and pepper are also delicious, so please try it. Coupons are distributed depending on the day, so you can eat at a great deal!

  • naga “naga4455” yoshi

    naga “naga4455” yoshi


    I'm so happy that I moved here and have a king general! The food court gets crowded on holidays, so I only go there on weekdays, but the taste is consistent!

  • satoshi and masa

    satoshi and masa


    It's the first one in line! The set of soy sauce ramen, three gyoza pieces, and fried rice is a good deal. Chinese soba is better than Osho ramen. Gyoza with ginger is also delicious.

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