Gyomu Super Kyobashi Store en Osaka

JapónGyomu Super Kyobashi Store



🕗 horarios

5-chōme-2-9 Higashinodamachi, Miyakojima Ward, Osaka, 534-0024, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6358-1205
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6994672, Longitude: 135.5336865

comentarios 5

  • Sean McAuliffe

    Sean McAuliffe


    Good Gyomu, little small compared to other but convenient location. Can get busy in the evenings, try and go during the day.

  • Tin Ng

    Tin Ng


    Staffs here are mostly Japanese and Vietnamese. To Japanese staffs they always look like you own them money. But to Vietnamese staffs you can see smile on their face all the time. Products here vary and not always fresh, but the quality is good, along with the prices.

  • Erasmios Alexandre

    Erasmios Alexandre


    I like this supermarket because I can find things that aren't sold elsewhere. I don't think they accept card and the staff is unfriendly at times (not always).

  • Mohammad J. Shamim

    Mohammad J. Shamim


    Gyomu sofa is good place to purchase your food for two main reasons. Firstly the things are cheap and secondly, you can find a variety of different things that are not available elsewhere or so expensive.

  • Anthony Gossop

    Anthony Gossop


    Value supermarket. I don't recommend any of the 'fresh' produce but everything else is good for the price. Depends on the staff member for your customer service, some of them just don't care and won't even say thank you at the till, while others are pretty good.

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