グリーンコープ生活協同組合 ふくおかCOEXみずまき i Mizumaki

Japanグリーンコープ生活協同組合 ふくおかCOEXみずまき



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-16-15 Korosuekita, Mizumaki, Onga District, Fukuoka 807-0022, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 93-203-5225
internet side: www.greencoop.or.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.8532222, Longitude: 130.6930999

kommentar 5

  • 彩花鈴音



    For those coming by JR, there are not many shops on Sundays, so it takes a while to get to the store. Maybe a private car would be better... The green is very close to Mizumaki Station. I received the soft serve ice cream I was looking for. 130 yen (small) It was delicious.

  • miko



    This is where you can enjoy shopping and feel safe. I especially like the cafe. It's a place where I can eat delicious and safe food with my kids, and it's always a great help. It is an important place that is a part of our lives.

  • いちご



    I'm sorry that the clerk isn't feeling well. I think it would be great if the store became a place where you can hear more cheerful voices.

  • クーちゃんママ



    This is a safe and secure store. There aren't many cheap deals like at the supermarket, but the side dishes like croquettes and minced meat cutlets are delicious! ️You can also buy meat with confidence. I use it in Keep. There are no delivery charges, and it's convenient to be able to choose from a catalog.

  • 菊地希



    It's spacious and has low shelves, making it very easy to shop. The side dishes, bread, and soft serve ice cream made with carefully selected seasonings and ingredients are also delicious, and the staff are always smiling and I think it's a nice shop!

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