鍋ē„¼ććƒ©ćƒ¼ćƒ”ćƒ³ č°·å£é£Ÿå ‚ w Kochi

Japonia鍋ē„¼ććƒ©ćƒ¼ćƒ”ćƒ³ č°·å£é£Ÿå ‚



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-7-14 Ōtesuji, Kochi, 780-0842, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 88-873-2184
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 33.5621504, Longitude: 133.5390321

komentarze 5

  • mac noritetsu

    mac noritetsu


    Taniguchi Shokudo is said to be the originator of Susaki's nabeyaki ramen. This store is only open from evening until late at night. The combination of the strong chicken bone soy sauce soup and thin straight noodles is the best. It is very delicious as it is served piping hot. The set menu comes with fried chicken and rice. After you finish eating the ramen, you can throw the rice into the pot and mix it with the eggs, which makes it even more delicious. There is curry powder on the table, so you can change the taste to a completely different taste by sprinkling it with curry powder. Curry powder is quite spicy, so I think it's best to adjust the taste when eating. There is no parking lot. There is a ticket vending machine at the entrance of the store, so you buy a meal ticket from the machine and then sit down. When using PayPay, simply enter the store, tell the staff that you will be using PayPay, and place your order.

  • Shane Ingram Evans

    Shane Ingram Evans


    Delicious nabeyaki ramenā€”a uniquely local ramen. Friendly staff and signatures of all kinds of famous visitors on the walls

  • Asher Lee Jia Hern

    Asher Lee Jia Hern


    The ramen broth was chicken based, unfortunately truly mediocre - no depth, just salty. The gyusuji was not bad but the ramen was too disappointing.

  • Conan



    One of my favorite Kochi ramens. Particularly good after a few drinks. I have thick skin and donā€™t take things too personally - but the burly man drops what should be a four star to a three. Will go back as long as it stays transactional.

  • Bitsy Tandem

    Bitsy Tandem


    Kochi's famous hotpot ramen is available here! It is very good! The Taste like not quite chicken noodle soup not quite ramen. Very yummy! It is a great raman for an American who may not have ever had ramen before. It is chicken broth with firm ramen noodles and has leek, an egg, and some odd fish cakes that i picked out of the boll haha! The fish cakes are not strong so if you avoid eating them you will not even notice them in the soup.

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