Guest House Tokyo Azabu en Minato-ku

JapónGuest House Tokyo Azabu


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Japan, 〒106-0044 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Higashiazabu, 1 Chome−17−9
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5570-1110
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6560597, Longitude: 139.7432667

comentarios 5

  • en

    Sébastien Loeb


    Very good place, super well located run by friendly staff. It s also very nice to have a kitchen and a washing machine.

  • パルファム.




  • Allen Bolong Gao

    Allen Bolong Gao


    I had very good experience here. That was my first time travelling in Tokyo, the staff there offered me a lot on suggestions. Also they booked me a taxi in the early morning and reminded me when the taxi came, thats 3:30am. So nice service! Thank you!

  • Tisha Laig

    Tisha Laig


    Good hostel in a quiet neighborhood

  • Zer0



    my first capsule hotel experience since i moved to Japan. came to town for 4 days/3 nights for the Motor Show and stayed here. fantastic pricing and location. it may be smaller than what i am used to back home in states but was very comfortable. im 6 foot and i was still able to sit up inside my capsule and fully layout on my bed. also the stay comes with locker spaces and substantial charging ports in each room. Subway station is literally 300 ft away if you want to go anywhere in town.

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