Guest House Chadapon Tokyo i Sumida-ku

JapanGuest House Chadapon Tokyo


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Japón, 〒130-0022 Tōkyō-to, Sumida-ku, Kōtōbashi, 4 Chome−28, 第2かつらぎビル 28-
kontakter telefon: +81 3-6284-0410
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6962392, Longitude: 139.8162815

kommentar 5

  • en

    Andreia Cardeira


    This is NOT a hotel or guesthouse! Just a small massage shop that didn't worked out so They redevelop it on a "guesthouse" by putting beds instead. It is ridiculously small, no windows, no view, worst wifi, none of the staff speak english or japanese, not real rooms : instead of doors there are screens, plywood not even built entirely so you see the lights from the Corridor all night and hear people (even when they are just texting messages). ....... AWFUL ! WORST PLACE EVER

  • Kune Keiseiie

    Kune Keiseiie


    No lift and accessibility for disabilities here. If you have a huge and/or really heavy stuff, you have to bring to the guesthouse by a steep stair to the third floor. This place is really quiet. However, you will hear a lot of noise from outside or well... snoring from other guests. Not really recommend for a light-sleeper. The place doesn't clean. You will see a dust under the bed and on the shelf where you have to put your belongings. Beds, toilet and bathroom are acceptable clean enough for living. No deposit box here but the staff will provide a lock for you. Use them to lock the door when you are outside. You can buy a food to eat here. Just beware the smell and a time to eat. It might disturb other guests.

  • Natalie Ma

    Natalie Ma


    A cheap capsule-type hotel about 10 minutes by train from the Yamanote’s Akihabara station. It’s convenient for visiting Asakusa/Akihabara/the east side of Tokyo, but the rooms are incredibly small and cramped, with hardly enough room for a bed and your luggage. The front desk is also not staffed on any sort of regular schedule (as far as I could tell), so you sometimes have to wait a while to check in-we waited around 20 minutes. However, the shower/bathrooms were really nice and the whole place was very clean.

  • Randiah Green

    Randiah Green


    Staff is very friendly. The room is small but it's what you'd expect for a traveler's guest house. Unfortunately this place is DIRTY. I mean hair in the sink and bathtub every day, layers of dust on the floor, my sheets had stains on them and there were pieces of broken plastic in my bed!

  • ณวิพงศ์ วิรพุฒินันท์

    ณวิพงศ์ วิรพุฒินันท์


    I like this place Small place but very good take care for customer. This place locate in train station area is 100 meter.

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