広末歯科矯正 en Kochi




🕗 horarios

12-7 Sugiiru, Kochi, 780-0072, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 88-885-0885
sitio web: www.hirortho.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5703418, Longitude: 133.5565677

comentarios 3

  • すわっこママさん



    Self-made self-performance reviews

  • Mika K.

    Mika K.


    The parking lot can accommodate 4 cars, 2 cars on each side. ←The image has been uploaded, so please check it out.

  • ひよこジロー



    it's okay! Please rest assured (^^) In conclusion, the technique is quick and careful. During the process of correction, I have many questions and concerns, but he explains them exactly one by one. I haven't been to any other orthodontist so I can't compare them, but I would recommend them to my family and friends. Dental hygienist? I think he is also very personable, has great attention to detail, and is well-educated. I learned about this orthodontist through a referral from the dentist I visit. At first, orthodontics was unknown and expensive, I had never heard of it before, and I wondered if it was really done properly. I was very worried, so I thought I would write a review for people like me. It looked like a normal house from the outside, so it took a little courage to open the door. I wondered what I would do if it were my own home (lol), but when I stepped inside, I found that the interior was tastefully decorated with a lot of attention to detail. It's fun to watch. It doesn't look like a dentist at all. When I was introduced to the dentist, I was a little nervous as it was my first time hearing about orthodontics, but I wasn't too worried as the treatment started after I was satisfied with the thorough examination, explanation and discussion of the treatment plan, and choice of payment method. . I was a little apprehensive because I didn't know the pain of orthodontics, but... I have never had a bad experience during my visits. I think my arms are solid too. I can't say much because it's still in the process, but I have faith in it. It seems like there are two people, a teacher and a young woman, and they are very kind.

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