広島銀行 呉支店 en Kure

Japón広島銀行 呉支店



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-5-4 Hondōri, Kure, Hiroshima 737-0045, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 823-21-5141
sitio web: www.hirogin.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.244841, Longitude: 132.567013

comentarios 5

  • むさむさ



    I wonder about the attitude, way of speaking, and tone of a woman in her 50s with short, permed hair. This is not the attitude of serving customers. I don't want you to stand at the counter.

  • 武居邦弘



    I went there due to an inheritance, but I was asked to explain my family situation three times. It cost about 1,500 yen in total, but you can't get it unless you save up 1,500 yen in interest! Moreover, I don't feel bad about it! This is the worst contact!

  • ももさくら



    Are you all part-timers? Do you have any knowledge? It will be a problem if you work with assumptions. Please listen to the story till the end! I should have done it at another branch.

  • かよ•* ̈*•. ̧ ̧

    かよ•* ̈*•. ̧ ̧


    The customer service at the counter is notoriously unfriendly.

  • 鈴木一郎



    I have been using this bank as my main bank for a long time, but when I went to the counter to arrange my course, one of my accounts was canceled without my permission. When I complained, the middle-aged woman at the reception desk said there was nothing she could do. I went to talk to my boss, but he didn't even bother to apologize, and I was so taken aback by how random the exchange was that I later switched all money transactions from my salary deposit account to another bank, and he asked me why. I was shocked and couldn't say anything. This is a bank that sincerely responds to car loans from organized crime groups, but responds with high pressure to inquiries from general customers, raising questions about its compliance awareness. I will never use it again.

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