広島祇園スマイル歯科小児歯科医院 in Hiroshima




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Japan, 〒731-0138 Hiroshima, Asaminami Ward, Gion, 3-chōme−2−1 イオン モール広島祇園 1F
kontakte telefon: +81 82-871-6480
webseite: www.kajiwara-shika.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.4445829, Longitude: 132.4612121

kommentare 5

  • 水田梨穂



    If you go with children, there is a cave-like kids' space where they can relax. All the dentists are kind and explain things in a way that is easy for children to understand. I am always grateful for your help.

  • kou naka

    kou naka


    The doctors and staff are polite and kind, and I feel at ease during my visit to the hospital. The greetings were very cheerful and made me feel very comfortable. I was in a situation where I had to have a tooth extracted due to periodontal disease, but through patient and careful treatment, I was able to recover. I'm really thankful to you.

  • みどり



    ・Less waiting time ・There is a mask case ・Bath towels are provided, and if you wear a skirt, you can use it as a lap blanket. ・I am able to receive treatment at the same time as my child (junior high school student), which is helpful. ・We are open on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, which is helpful.

  • こーちゃん



    The director... he treats me with my mind and body in mind, so I feel at ease. The staff...the receptionist and the hygienist are all cheerful and considerate people. Generally speaking, going to the dentist makes me feel depressed, but this hospital is different. This is a place where you can feel positive and want to go to the hospital even if you are not good at treatment. There are some disappointing reviews, but I've been coming here for years and have never had a bad experience. Teeth are so important that they last a lifetime, so as a patient, I can understand your feelings.

  • y m

    y m


    I'm sorry that I had to take my 1-year-old child to the emergency room for the first time, but it was the worst, so when I got home and read the reviews, I was shocked! I didn't know it was rated so low...I shouldn't have gone. crying I think it's better for the clinic to keep in mind that there are people with dental work experience among the patients, and not to behave, speak, or treat patients in a disrespectful way. Looking at the reviews, it seems like there are several doctors out there, and I think some of them are serious about their treatment. ↓I wrote a mess💦 Having worked in a dentist's office, I knew that the first visit for an emergency patient was troublesome, so I didn't think anything of it because I couldn't help but be treated like I was sick, and since it was a child's gum injury, I could do it. I knew there was no treatment, but I was still worried about my child, so I decided to go see a doctor just to have it disinfected. I was sitting in a chair and the assistant or hygienist (probably the assistant since I was wearing white clothes) mumbled something to me, so should I show them the state of my injury? When I tried to show it to her, she said, ``Oh, please show it to me after the teacher comes,'' and my sluggish aura was on full display! lol As soon as the doctor came, without even looking at the condition of my mouth, he said, ``There's nothing they can do unless you have teeth, right?'' (lol) I've worked at multiple clinics, and I knew that a doctor who says things without looking at the condition is a bad doctor, but this is the first time I've met such a typical person! lol Moreover, at 1 year old, baby teeth are growing. When I showed him the inside of his mouth, he said, ``Oh, there are teeth growing!'' (lol) It's scary that he doesn't know that even though he also does pediatric dentistry... Or rather, it's scary that dentists don't know that... The moment he said that, I thought, "Huh? Who is this person? Isn't he a dentist?" A proper doctor won't look at the medical questionnaire. I was able to read everything on the back, and I thought, "This clinic is terrible..." and went home after just getting disinfected. I was just nudged) I think it's fine if you just do maintenance while shopping at Aeon! If you are told that you have a cavity during maintenance, I think it would be better to treat it at another dentist! Even if your doctor checks your teeth during maintenance and says there are no cavities, it might be a good idea to go to a different dentist for your next dental checkup in three months. You may be able to find an oversight.

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