Greenpia Setouchi en Kure

JapónGreenpia Setouchi


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326-48 Yasuurachō Ōaza Mitsuguchi, Kure, Hiroshima 737-2502, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 823-84-0262
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.2562166, Longitude: 132.7636682

comentarios 5

  • なや



    I went there on a school trip. In one word, it's great. I plan to go there again when I become an adult. That's what I thought, but I never expected it to be closed...😢 I would like to thank the staff who waved me off.

  • 森下小百合



    The staff's service was kind, polite, and bright, which was great! All the dishes were very delicious! I want to use it again! ️

  • アクアマリン



    I stayed here consecutively in November and December. We are open until the end of February. Dinner was kaiseki, but I had to refill some of it myself. Free drinks ➕ Alcohol is available at no additional charge. Breakfast is Shokado bento style, and includes salad, dessert, drinks, and soft serve ice cream just like dinner. Check-in was at 3 o'clock, but we arrived early and enjoyed welcome drinks and petit donuts. The staff are also kind and polite.

  • YS



    It's an old facility, but it's clean, the staff was really kind, and the food was delicious. For this price, you can drink all-you-can-drink sake, the vast grounds are nice for a morning walk (be careful of deer droppings), and if you have a rental car, you can easily get to Kure-Hiroshima, so if you're a family, it's worth staying here. I want to go again.

  • 宮崎亘



    A wonderful place to relax. A little old, but staff are friendly and a few activities are available as well as an onsen with sauna.

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