Grand Famille Chez Matsuo Seijō Corty en Setagaya City

JapónGrand Famille Chez Matsuo Seijō Corty



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Japan, 〒157-0066 Tokyo, Setagaya City, Seijō, 6-chōme−5−34 成城コルティ 4階
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5429-1131
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6399571, Longitude: 139.5985999

comentarios 5

  • miri _log

    miri _log


    Chez Matsuo in Seijo Corti I went there for the first time in 4 years! Course only on Saturdays and Sundays Although it was last minute, I was able to make a reservation for Saturday lunch. ☑︎A course There was a birthday plate service, and I was also able to take photos. Stable deliciousness and customer service ♡

  • Syu



    I visited here for my wife's celebratory dinner. The location of the store was right after getting off the station, so I was able to visit without hesitation. I arrived at the store a little earlier than the scheduled time, but they happily let me in. The champagne before the meal, the white wine (I think it was Sauvignon Blanc?), the additional Chardonnay, and the Bordeaux red wine for the main course went well with the food and were very delicious. Since it is a course meal, the portions are modest, but each dish not only tastes great but also looks beautiful. ), we were able to enjoy it with wine and stories. I would like to thank the chef and the hall staff for hosting such an event 😊 I would like to visit you again 😉

  • N O E L

    N O E L


    Semi-casual restaurant in Seijo that offers a private or discreet French dining experience. Seasonal chef menu is highly recommended, and needs a bit of time to get through. This is not rushed dining. Reservations recommended for dinner.

  • Max Pedroza

    Max Pedroza


    Had a great time here celebrating my final days in Japan with my in-laws. We set up reservations the same day for lunch. We all ordered the set course that contained both meat and fish. The restaurant was very clean and the staff was very nice. There were some staff that spoke very good English, which was helpful when I had questions about the menu. The food was very delicious. I don’t usually eat French food, but I enjoyed every part of the course. I would recommend this place if you want to celebrate something or treat someone to a very nice dinner. The prices were pretty high, but you definitely get what you pay for here. I would come back for sure!

  • shua yeo

    shua yeo


    this is the worst restaurant ever! the food is good but it takes too much time

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