Goto Dental Clinic i Utsunomiya

JapanGoto Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒321-0921 Tochigi, Utsunomiya, Mizuho, 2-chōme−15−7
kontakter telefon: +81 28-656-4188
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.5081308, Longitude: 139.9181427

kommentar 5

  • HIDE



    He is a beautiful, polite, and kind dentist. Recommended for those living in Utsunomiya City.

  • 最幸の景色み隊



    Did the dentist you went to before really give you anesthesia? ! The treatment was so painful and traumatic that I doubted it, but when I started going to Mr. Goto, my fear disappeared and I wanted to be given anesthesia even though I didn't have any teeth to heal! Thank you

  • m n

    m n


    I had pain and went to another dentist, but the pain didn't go away at all so I changed to this one. The explanations and everyone were very thorough, and the treatment was completed quickly.My painful tooth was completely healed in 3 visits, including the day I had to put a crown on it! At first, I couldn't get rid of the pain, so I called the doctor on the same day, and he took time out of his busy schedule to treat me. However, I didn't have to wait that long, which was helpful. The inside of the hospital is also beautiful and feels very clean. First of all, I thought this dentist was the right fit for me!

  • seventy y

    seventy y


    It's a clean and cute clinic. I hadn't been able to find a good dental clinic until now, and the doctors and staff here were kind and easy to visit. Every time, I got sick of it and left it alone before it completely healed, but this time I was able to continue going until the end.

  • t stem

    t stem


    She gave me detailed and detailed explanations and advice, and even during the treatment, she told me what to do next, so I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind! ! She was a very kind doctor and a nurse who cared about me in many ways. thank you very much. The hospital was clean and tidy, and infection control measures were in place.

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