Gosho Clinics w Kanda

JaponiaGosho Clinics


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1400 Aratsu, Kanda, Miyako District, Fukuoka 800-0344, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 930-26-4311
strona internetowej: www.youmeikai.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.7525592, Longitude: 130.9712957

komentarze 5

  • ぬこねこ



    I used it for the first time for a health check. The atmosphere was very nice and quiet, and the receptionist and nurses were polite and attentive, giving me a very good impression, but I felt that the doctor's response during the final examination was very sloppy. That was the only disappointing part.

  • 棚田美代子



    At this hospital, my father was forced to open his mouth wide and had his tongue removed, even though both of his jaws were dislocated. This is the worst hospital. It's the same as when your father was killed. I really don't forgive

  • Jm



    There is a nurse who is very arrogant. Despite not being able to meet at all due to the coronavirus pandemic, even when he was in critical condition, we were unable to meet due to the number of people allowed. The attitude of the nurse in charge was really bad. In addition, being in a quadruple room even though you are in critical condition There is a lot of distrust over the confirmation of death, the contact time from the hospital, and other things I hear from relatives. As a fellow medical worker, there are many things that make me wonder how the situation will be handled, and I cannot recommend transferring to another hospital.

  • 三代伊都子



    Is it a hospital? Is it a geriatric health facility?

  • さむ



    All the nursing staff here are nice people.

najbliższy Szpital

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