Gonpachi Shibuya w Shibuya City

JaponiaGonpachi Shibuya



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Japan, 〒150-0044 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Maruyamachō, 3−6, E-Space Tower, 14F フロアA
kontakt telefon: +81 50-5443-0489
strona internetowej: gonpachi.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6574935, Longitude: 139.6955514

komentarze 5

  • Jedrek Low

    Jedrek Low


    Pretty pricey and mid quality sushi in my humble opinion. Definitely better quality sushi for lower prices! However the service here was excellent and our server was super polite

  • Guy de Jongh

    Guy de Jongh


    We had the pleasure of a delightful evening spent with friends from three different continents. Yuki attended to our every need and has an exceptional manner and knowledge of the cuisine, culture and city. The food was an absolute culinary spectacular and a delight for our tastebuds. We will most certainly be back...personally my favourite restaurant in Asia. Thank you Yuki!

  • Dr. Raina Jain

    Dr. Raina Jain


    Gonpachi is situated in Shibuya, close to 109 Shibuya mall. The restaurant is on the 14th floor, with a beautiful view of the city. Being hard core vegetarians, we ordered for their vegetarian sushi platter, vegan rolls, Edamame, silken tofu and Makito tarvez rice (it was the best) and some potato fries( it was sprinkled with maki) Good food. But highly priced. Staff is very warm, friendly and welcoming

  • Julian Toedter

    Julian Toedter


    We hadn't been to either Gonpanchi in Shibuya or Roppongi in years but as we had very close friends in town visiting over the Christmas period with a toddler, we decided to book a private room/koushitsu at their Shibuya venue. The privacy and distance from the main restaurant area meant that we didn't bother other guests and we could allow their toddler to explore the room. Unfortunately, there's a minimum order when booking a private room so the larger the group, the better, otherwise it could be a little pricey. Gonpanchi has a pretty varied menu with all kinds of choices that can suit people new to or familiar with Japanese food. And while the food itself may not be spectacular, their tuna belly skewers and wagyu beef skewers really stood out to us and we'd recommend if you don't mind paying a little more. Staff were extremely friendly and accommodating. You really can't go wrong with Gonpanchi whether in a bigger or smaller group.

  • vicohdz8



    Amazing place! We stumbled upon it when we were hungry late at night, and it was such an amazing decision. The food was incredible and Mirei’s service was phenomenal, she made us feel very comfortable. Make sure to come to this place whether it’s a meal or a late night meal.

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