Gold's Gym Shibuya i Shibuya-ku

JapanGold's Gym Shibuya



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Japan, 〒150-0002 Tōkyō-to, Shibuya-ku, Shibuya, 1 Chome−23−16 cocoti9F・10F・11F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5464-7373
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6620345, Longitude: 139.7025826

kommentar 5

  • Benjamin Lea

    Benjamin Lea


    Not too sure what all the fuss is about. Register online, get a free 7 day trial, show the girls at reception and they give you your 7 day pass. Sure, it’s an expensive gym per visit if you’re paying but it’s also Golds Gym. It’s an extremely well equipped gym, with a lot of great equipment, wide range of bars, handles and various machines with slightly different degree of angles to hit a wide range of muscles. A gorgeous little outdoor area with fake grass and boxes to run and do some callisthenics if you want or some yoga / stretching in the sun. Honestly, as a foreigner this gym is as good if not better then some gyms we have in Australia. Japan has a small market for gym enthusiasts, you only have to spend a day here to see that. Killer gym, good little supplement store, you can buy apparel, bags, belts etc.. The gym also has a wide section up stairs where you can borrow power lifting belts. Honestly, an amazing gym. Forget what the other idiots are saying. There is some quirky things like no shoes in the change rooms, having to have ‘indoor only shoes’ (I just packed a second pair of converse in my bag which are my usual gym shoes but I do wear them outside and it wasn’t an issue, I think so long as you have a second pair if anyone asks) and the building that has the Golds Gym advertisement on it is just that. The gym is actually across the road in the Cocoti building on Level 9. The elevator there is also confusing but you’ll figure it out, haha! 🔥🇯🇵

  • Alex Simovic

    Alex Simovic


    Buy a two week pass for 7000yen ...bring passport...gym is up to western standards...don't bother with other gyms can also use the pass in Harajuku and Annex...and bring seperate gym shoes

  • Courtney Joe

    Courtney Joe


    FOREIGNERS READ: -you must take passport with you -you must wear "indoor" shoes while in the gym, so either have some that have only been worn indoors, or hire some when you get there -expect to pay outrageous 4000yen for single pass including a towel, drink and indoor shoe hire The gym itself is good because it has lots of equipment. But the cost is outrageous On the way out i returned the rental shoes and she forgot to give me my passport so i had to go back and get it.

  • Friss Es

    Friss Es


    Way too expensive. 3200¥ for a single entry. If you just want to train for one session don't forget to bring your passport with you. The staff won't accept any ID's or driving licenses. Bad Place. Not recommended.

  • en

    Youtub ER


    Nice location with a good view, but gets over crowded sometimes

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