Gogami Dental Clinic in Takarazuka

JapanGogami Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒665-0877 Hyogo, Takarazuka, Nakayamasakuradai, 5-chōme−22−1 中山サブショッピングセンタ 102
kontakte telefon: +81 797-88-8854
webseite: go-dental.net
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.8382116, Longitude: 135.3647286

kommentare 5

  • 千春



    My back tooth hurt and I went to the hospital thinking it was a cavity. When we received feedback about teeth misalignment, etc. Just a little bit of adjustment The muscles around the jaw gradually become less stiff No more tooth pain To the director Please tell me about my daily habits and things to keep in mind. I received careful treatment. thank you

  • キタバヤシチエ



    My jaw was hurting from grinding my teeth every day. One of my back teeth became loose and it got so bad that it fell out. After getting the orthodontic treatment done here, my teeth grinding disappeared immediately and my teeth were now beautifully aligned. When my teeth fit together better, I was able to sleep more soundly at night. I realized that the alignment of my teeth is very important, not the immediate alignment of my teeth. The correction period was a lot of trouble, but I'm really glad I got it fixed.

  • 白桃ちゃん



    The director may have knowledge and skills, but he kept talking unilaterally (during insurance treatment) about expensive out-of-pocket treatment, saying that Japan's insurance treatment is no good (although there are parts that I can understand). ) I stopped going after the 3rd time because I felt like something didn't suit me. Compatibility is important if you want to go for a long time.

  • ぷりごん



    I visited here for cavities treatment. The current situation was explained in an easy-to-understand manner. The treatment was not painful. I got the impression that it was polite. Since reservations were required, the wait time was short. It was helpful to have a toothbrush in the toilet.

  • pi



    After giving me easy-to-understand instructions such as the causes of tooth decay, I received treatment. I would love to order from you again! thank you very much.

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