GIP-STORE en Shibuya-ku




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Japan, 〒150-0041 Tōkyō-to, Shibuya-ku, Jinnan, 1 Chome−9, 神南1-9-10 番匠ビル1F
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5489-4040
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6647408, Longitude: 139.7015368

comentarios 5

  • ja



    KYOというスタッフが本当に感じ悪い。 商品はカッコいいのにもったいない。

  • ウォンさんWilsonWong



    Shop selling famous japanese brand in military style., i.e. wtaps, fpar.

  • 久保田雄介



    wtapsの直営店。 外装も面白く、wtapsが好きな方にはたまらない場所。

  • 전진오



    monday is closed

  • Daouda Leonard

    Daouda Leonard


    Guerilla the Incubation Period. In 2011 Japanese brand WTAPS opened its new flagship store in Shibuya, Tokyo. The GIP (Guerilla The Incubation Period) Store closely follows the base principles of the brand. The interior is heavily military inspired, both on the interior and the exterior. Next to WTAPS, the store also carries the other collection by creative director Tetsu Nishiyama, entitled FORTY PERCENTS AGAINST RIGHTS. While WTAPS has been hanging in HOODS stores next to Neighborhood, the GIP store for the first time 100% expresses the vision of the brand. Beautiful details include custom furniture, as well as GIP store bikes and scooters parked in front of the shop. Description via Hypebeast, but fully captures the spirit of what I experienced.

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