Gifu Daifuku Post Office i Gifu

JapanGifu Daifuku Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒502-0934 Gifu, Daifukuchō, 7-chōme−68−1
kontakter telefon: +81 58-231-4659
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.437546, Longitude: 136.7377999

kommentar 5

  • 市橋芹華



    Parking is easier than other post offices in Gifu City. That alone is pretty good.

  • 石田雅樹



    Visited today, September 13th, in the morning to purchase a return postcard. There is a Lawson directly to the south, so there is plenty of parking space. The station building is also relatively new and clean. However, the tellers are not very responsive. One woman was providing information for users at the ATM corner, and the other was affixing labels to Yu-Pack items received at the post office. I think this is important because if you don't do this right away, you'll have to mix up the recipients. However, the two middle-aged men and women in the back either didn't notice that I was standing in line, or even if they did, they ignored me and didn't respond at all. Normally, you would be able to say something like, ``Customer, I will guide you in order, but I would like to ask you about your needs.'' That way, you should be able to prepare the product (in this case, a return postcard) in advance. They can't even do the basics of customer service. I wonder if he still retains the lordly business-oriented thinking he had when he was a civil servant. With this, digitalization is progressing more and more, and it is now possible to report absences or absences by email or chat function without having to use the postal mail. If that happens, you know what will happen to employment, right?

  • ノラクロ



    Thank you for your help in opening a Japan Post account. Both the women and men were extremely kind, and everyone treated the other customers with the same courtesy. I felt that it was a warm post office that was close to the local people.

  • 三浦流魔



    I can only go during my lunch break, so I'm prepared for it to be crowded, and I'm sorry, but the people who have been here for a long time are flexible and have smooth smiles, but the young woman who is there during the day, is looking forward to seeing the slips I sent out at the flea market. ``Cut and sew'' is printed on it, but I always ask, ``It says cut and sew. Is it a cut and sew?Are you sure?'' I always ask...I can still tell if it has something else printed on it. And even items smaller than 5mm are passed through a 3cm ruler. Those who have been here for a long time do neither. I often go to the central post office, but I don't ask them about that kind of thing. Don't you learn that if you don't waste money, things won't turn around when it's crowded? There's no smile either. It's a shame because it was good before the move and it felt good.

  • Ma Ma

    Ma Ma


    It has been relocated along the Loop Line (next to Lawson). A small post office that can be found anywhere.

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