ガスト 本八幡店 en Ichikawa

Japónガスト 本八幡店



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丸玉第1ビル 2F, 4-chōme-2-3 Minamiyawata, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0023, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 570-002-040
sitio web: www.skylark.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7206638, Longitude: 139.9267387

comentarios 5

  • ペニシリン



    I know they're busy, but even though they noticed we were coming, they didn't show us around and we had to wait a long time. When I looked at the board showing the number of people waiting, there was no one there, and I had to wait for a while at the middle entrance, where there were quite a few empty seats, so just to be sure, I asked the employee, ``Can I sit down?'' and she said, ``No.'' Only a curt response. I didn't know if I could enter the store because I wasn't asked to wait, so I gave up because it was a waste of time. Recommended for experiencing nothingness!

  • シュン中



    I was satisfied with the quality over quantity and low price. Self-checkout has become the norm for family restaurants.

  • ろうこた



    Visited on Friday night. There was already one person waiting, but the waitress asked me to write my name, so I did. Those who were first in line were let through immediately and sat in the waiting chairs for a long time, but were never called. Several groups left, and even though the table was empty, we were not called. I thought it was disgusting that maybe they forgot because they were busy. I was finally able to get in by calling out to another male clerk. Very frustrating. I think you should take a closer look at the floor. The other clerks are also too soft.

  • 影虎



    This time I came to eat the collaboration Go Go Curry. The narrow and steep stairs from the entrance make it difficult to enter. The store is small and very crowded. It may be better to avoid lunch time on Saturdays and Sundays. Although it was extremely hot outside, the air conditioning wasn't working very well, so I ended up eating the meal without sweating from beginning to end. I don't think the staff who stays inside the store will know, but I would like them to adjust the temperature to accommodate people who come from outside in the hot weather. The fruit sangria I ordered as soon as I entered the restaurant was delicious and not too sweet. The important thing is go-go curry, but it was just as delicious as the original. It was a special rice dish, but the roux was so small that it was difficult to adjust. Maybe it's because of the retort for each serving, but I can't follow up. I would also like to see additional rules. The toppings on top seem to be all the familiar Gusto products. Maybe next time I'll just have a thin cutlet. The fried chicken was hot, juicy, and delicious. The retort-packed cheese-in hamburger has the same Gusto flavor, but I don't dislike it. The fried shrimp was just plain frozen shrimp, so I felt like I could do without it. The thin cutlet was small, but I think it was well reproduced and delicious. I don't usually go to Gusto, but as long as this curry is available, I think it's okay to come here often. This time, I had a satisfying meal, the customer service was very good, and the food was served quickly.If I had come during idle time on a weekday, I would have given it a higher rating. I gave it a 3 star rating because it was a very hot Sunday lunch time, it was small and crowded, and the air conditioning was weak so it was hot all the time.

  • Zahid Bhatti

    Zahid Bhatti


    Hard to use wifi and drink bar is sub standard

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