Garden Dental Clinic w Sapporo

JaponiaGarden Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 怒062-0001 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Toyohira Ward, Misono 1 Jō, 6-chōmeāˆ’3āˆ’ļ¼– ć‚°ćƒ¬ć‚¤ć‚¹ć‚³ćƒ¼ćƒˆ
kontakt telefon: +81 11-831-6480
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 43.0422895, Longitude: 141.3919004

komentarze 5

  • ćƒ‰ćƒŸćƒ³ć‚“ļ¼ˆćƒ‰ćƒŸćƒ³ć‚“ļ¼‰



    My wife introduced me to this hospital. I've been to many dentists, but the doctors are very kind and polite. I'm not very sensitive to pain and don't like going to the dentist, but the dentist was very good and it didn't hurt at all. He's really good, so if you're not good at dentists, I recommend getting treatment here.

  • H T.

    H T.


    The doctor disappears as soon as the treatment is finished. picture? What will happen to my future treatment? The teacher won't tell you unless you call for it. I had a silver tooth made, but it fell off within six months. I believe there were three treatment rooms, all with the same doctor. It is unclear how many teachers will be in charge. It was a typical hospital with poor anesthesia.

  • čŖ²é‡‘恮ć‚Øćƒ¼ć‚¹



    I feel like I don't have much technology. Since it is a relatively new hospital, it is always fully booked and eventually they no longer take emergency patients, so I gave up and moved to another newly opened clinic nearby. It's not a good hospital if they don't look at you even though you're in pain. No matter how beautiful a hospital is or what kind of equipment it has, I believe it is no good if it no longer takes emergency cases from patients who were attending the hospital. The trust that I have built up will easily crumble and I will never go again.

  • 恊ē±³å¤Ŗ郎



    I went to see a doctor because my tooth had a cavity and I was having trouble eating cold or warm things. I am undergoing orthodontic treatment at another dentist, but I was able to see him without any problems. The inside of the hospital was very clean, and the private exam rooms had TVs, and I was able to put a towel over my face during treatment, which was nice. I was given anesthesia to remove my tooth, but I didn't feel any pain. I have experience in anesthesia and treatment at several dentists and oral surgeons, and the treatment and response was very thorough.

  • ę“‹å¹³



    I went for my first visit today. First dentist in 10 years! I was full of anxiety, but I came to the hospital because my tooth was hurting and my whole body was covered in wounds. The teachers and staff were soft-spoken and explained things carefully, which made me feel very at ease. There was no pain during the treatment, and I felt more at ease because my face was covered with a towel. The private room was clean and there was a TV in front of me, so I was able to receive treatment with a relaxing feeling. In-hospital prescription was also convenient. It looks like I will be able to continue going to the hospital.

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