高知市工石山青少年の家 en Kochi



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1898-33 Tosayamatakakawa, Kochi, 781-3211, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 88-895-2016
sitio web: kuishi-yama.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.6765451, Longitude: 133.5171495

comentarios 5

  • Mak KaWaMuRa

    Mak KaWaMuRa


    I take a break when I pass the road in front of me. The shop that my grandmother used to run had closed, but a new ramen shop had opened. The green togarashi ramen was delicious.

  • かりやともゆき



    All of the staff at the facility were kind and made me feel very welcome. The rice is rice from terraced rice fields and is extremely delicious, the miso soup is delicious, and the side dishes are handmade and full of nutrition. I'm sure I'll gain weight if I stay there for a week lol Some say that it is difficult to receive radio waves, and of course my Chinese-made smartphone does not have radio waves. I was cut off from the internet for three days, but I think it was a great experience as a digital detox. If you don't have it, you should divide it without it. It was cool in the mornings and evenings, and there was no air conditioning, but it was often more humid than I had heard, so I thought it would be nice to have at least a fan turned on. Also, I often get ignored by horseflies and the like. Might be tough for people who hate insects (´・ω・`; )

  • Jun Nakajima

    Jun Nakajima


    Climb Prefectural Route 16 Kochi Honzan Line and it will be on your left just before Akaragi Tunnel. The first large building you see is the gymnasium, with public toilets in front and a parking lot below. The parking lot under the gymnasium is narrow, so it says 2 spaces per section, but I don't think it would be possible for large cars. After passing between the gymnasium and the direct sales store next door, you will find the entrance to the Youth House on the second floor of the main building.

  • さくらさく



    Unfortunately, due to earthquake-proofing construction, it will not be available until September 2019. I have used it dozens of times over the past few years. Full of satisfaction with seasonal content and food! For 2,600 yen, including a Christmas party, inosine hotpot, and a firefly viewing tour, an adult stay for two days and one night is a no-brainer! Recruitment will be posted on Kochi City Bulletin Bright Town Forget reality and feel refreshed and fulfilled All the staff members are friendly and nice. There is always a climbing experience that lasts about 4 hours☺

  • Hirushan Thavaseelan

    Hirushan Thavaseelan


    A good place for school camps

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