Gan Dental Clinic i Sakai

JapanGan Dental Clinic


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3-chōme-199-12 Ōtoriminamimachi, Nishi Ward, Sakai, Osaka 593-8325, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 72-272-4180
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.5244429, Longitude: 135.458824

kommentar 5

  • 間睡蓮



    It's so popular that I don't have any reservations for my next appointment, and it's 1.5 months away even though I'm swollen, so I always feel anxious if I don't make at least two appointments. The tooth decay I was told about a year ago doesn't hurt, but I've had it done from where it hurts, so it's still there. I wonder if it's okay. Thanks to this word of mouth, I'm now getting reservations once every two weeks, but if I don't check my schedule about two months in advance, I end up making reservations 2-3 times. I had my permanent tooth extracted, which had not been treated for two years.

  • のんちゃん(のんちゃん)



  • Akio YAGAWA (やがわ)

    Akio YAGAWA (やがわ)


    He is very thorough in his treatment and explanations. We are smart like no other dentist around. That's why we are always fully booked. ***** When I looked at the reviews for the first time in a while, I noticed that the one I wrote when I was living in Otori was written with a 1 star a year later. Has the treatment policy or doctor in charge changed?

  • S Minami

    S Minami


    I had been having regular checkups at this dentist for a long time, but when I moved and went to another dentist, my tooth decay got worse. I think it's because it was left untreated. There was no point in having regular checkups. I just want my money back.

  • 食パンマン



    Especially not recommended for children. The website said they would welcome you with a smile and kindness, and explain things thoroughly and clearly until you were satisfied, but the response was the complete opposite. My mom friends in the neighborhood said it would be better not to go, but Ario Otori was tempted by the convenience and the high reviews... I was fooled by HP's smile. This is just my opinion and that of my local mom friends.

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