GABOR i Kyoto




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Japan, 〒604-8004 Kyoto, Nakagyo Ward, Nakajimachō, 103 フジタビル B1F
kontakter telefon: +81 75-211-7533
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.008838, Longitude: 135.77077

kommentar 5

  • Tani Papa

    Tani Papa


    Lovely place, quite, close to Pontocho but far away from crowds. Fantastic atmosphere and decoration. Non-smoking cafe. Perfect to read your book and relax.

  • Юлия Волкова

    Юлия Волкова


    Extremely amazing desserts and cakes! The only things i may say is that i want to try them ALL 😂

  • Cohen Yu

    Cohen Yu


    Nice place, good atmosphere. Just one thing is that the air conditioner was not working at the moment. Otherwise it could be a perfect experience.

  • Tanya Nazaretsky

    Tanya Nazaretsky


    Very nice place. Real French atmosphere. Good food and nice staff. Highly recomended.

  • L. Aelbers

    L. Aelbers


    Very nice cafe, great theme and atmosphere! For me the only downside was that they don't have a non smoke area. We went for cake and drinks. The cake was awesome. They have a small menu for food as well, very tasty. So definitely walk in when you are walking by!

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