Futagawa Post Office in Toyohashi

JapanFutagawa Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Higashigōnai-8-4 Ōiwachō, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-3142, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 532-41-0649
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7262314, Longitude: 137.4481767

kommentare 5

  • Keziah Mae Cayago

    Keziah Mae Cayago


    The staff was polite and approchable💯❤️

  • 花まるまる



    When you forget about electricity usage, such as after replacing a machine, apologize to the other householders for the mail, water bill, and electricity bill! ? ? Delivery twice is suspicious. Please be sure to check inside and bring your own bath salts so you can enjoy the hot springs. why? What does "Sorry" mean scribbled on the envelope?

  • さだ豚



    I went to the counter to transfer money. Since it wasn't an urgent matter, I wanted to use a regular wire transfer, but they didn't ask me anything and instead sent me a wire transfer with a high fee. There are some customers who are not used to it, so you should listen to them, Mr. Teller.

  • ころん7



    The waiting area was sunny and warm during the cold winter. The staff was polite.

  • 根津一秀



    It was the first place I visited with the impression that it was a post town. Although it had a quiet appearance, this station was It seems like there are a lot of locals visiting, so it's a lively place. It was. The line was long, so I gave up on requesting landscape stamps. I did. It must be difficult for the staff as well.

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