福山こころの病院 i Fukuyama




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576-1 Sabachō, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 720-0835, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 84-951-2620
internet side: fukuyama-kokoro.com
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Latitude: 34.4798937, Longitude: 133.3386875

kommentar 5

  • ゆりこ



    He is a good-looking teacher and listens well to me. The doctor's appointment will also allow enough time. I continue to receive treatment because I feel like she is on my side. Even though he is a young teacher, I feel that he is very thorough.

  • 決めつけの八重歯



    these 12 years I have changed psychiatry departments many times, but in my 9th year, I found a good hospital. That's the hospital here. Almost all the hospitals I've been to so far just listened and nodded, but didn't do anything about it. The doctor in charge of this hospital is He will consult with you properly and give you various advice. As a result of talking with each other and changing the medication, my symptoms have eased considerably, so I am very grateful. I will continue to visit you in the future.

  • em fu

    em fu


    I went there a few years ago and it was the worst. After a woman who looked like a counselor listened to my story, I was in the waiting room. I was called into the room and spoke to the teacher, a young man wearing a white Dickies coat. Even though I was talking seriously, he gave me a random reply, gave me a mocking smile, didn't take any action or treatment, and proceeded to talk about my next appointment, but I never wanted to interact with him again. I didn't want to go, so I didn't go. Although the symptoms may have been mild, I wanted people to realize that there are still people who are worried and have difficult days. When I think of a person like this as a psychiatrist, I never want to go there again. Don't you think that people who come to psychiatrists are human beings? It was the worst hospital.

  • Gy Sn

    Gy Sn


    Hospitalization is the worst, but outpatient telephone support is also the worst. It's cold when you look at it from above. I don't think it's psychiatry. I don't want to give it a 1 star.

  • M



    It may be okay if it's just an outpatient department, but the inpatient ward is terrible. The nurse calls the seriously ill patient aside, says she will check with the doctor if something is not convenient, and runs away. I often leave it as is for several days. She had just admitted her family to the hospital, but there was a male nurse on night shift who yelled at patients and attacked them.The family was so frightened that they couldn't sleep and had to leave the hospital. My doctor's apology was too fluffy, which made me angry. I can't help but feel angry because I trusted him so that I could finally let my family rest. Don't work at a mental hospital if you don't treat the inpatients as human beings.

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