ふれあい歯科ごとう i Shinjuku City




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4-chōme-11-13 Kitashinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 169-0074, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5338-8817
internet side: fureaishikagoto.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.70831, Longitude: 139.693047

kommentar 5

  • gana



    I was stabbed with anesthetic injection without saying anything! It was painful and I was surprised because at other dentists they ask you to speak to them before they stab you. It hurt and it was the worst!

  • ながいもとろろ



    I started going here because of the high reviews, and the doctor and dental assistant are both very pleasant and personable, and they remove tartar quickly and clean the teeth. However, as everyone has said, access is inconvenient and it is quite a walk from the station. It was inconvenient so I changed to a nearby dentist, but I think the one nearby is better.

  • 。・ω・。 aa

    。・ω・。 aa


    One day, a doctor was enthusiastically recommending an implant to an elderly man sitting next to me on the treatment table. However, we do not do implants here. Maintaining implants is difficult even for young people. I think that doctors know that there are many elderly patients here, so implants for elderly people have a higher risk. Whether or not an implant can be done is determined by a dentist with implant technology who examines it and consults with the patient. This is not the place to decide. Why were you so insistent that I introduce you to another dentist who can provide implants? Bad impression. I stopped going to the doctor because the treatment was a bit complicated.

  • 風上に向かって立小便



    I came here after seeing the reviews on Denternet and here. For 4 or 5 years, I was afraid of the dentist and ignored the pain of my tooth, but when I chewed on takuan and my tooth was completely chipped, I became scared, so I decided to muster up the courage to undergo treatment. The first appointment was one month in advance, but from the second appointment onwards, I was able to make an appointment within 5 days at the earliest. On the first day, I had to take X-rays, explain future treatments, and remove tartar, but I was left with a good impression as there was little pain and the price was lower than the market price. The second time I had a chipped tooth extracted, I was a little scared because I had fresh memories of going to a dentist who was bad at administering anesthesia, but Goto Dentistry didn't cause me any pain at all. It made me doubt my own sense of pain. You can rest assured that your future treatments will be taken care of. However, the only disappointing point is that it is difficult to access.

  • Koki Saito

    Koki Saito


    Although it is difficult to make reservations due to his popularity, he is a very good dentist who is polite and has low prices.

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