Funabasama Post Office in Shibata

JapanFunabasama Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-8-61 Nishifunabasama, Shibata, Shibata District, Miyagi 989-1622, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 224-54-1755
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.0655867, Longitude: 140.7658058

kommentare 5

  • にゃんこ



    I think the lack of parking is also a reason why it's difficult to get in. The staff members are also a little disappointed. I felt more comfortable going to another post office, even if it was a little far away.

  • Yasumi Kikuchi

    Yasumi Kikuchi


    The staff were very kind.

  • Kpbr br

    Kpbr br


    I came across a situation where, using the principle of reciprocity, I sold a product to an elderly woman who asked me a question about how to operate an ATM, saying, ``Mr. ◯◯, please come over here.'' A combination of 4 bottles of juice and 1 retort curry costs 1,000 yen. The woman's expression was clouded as she said, "I'll take it then." I was drawn to how obvious it was. This is the downside of normization. This is a behavior that will continue to lose customer trust in the long run. Although the post office has been privatized, it still handles many services that are of a public nature. I understand the difficult situation the post office is in, but customers just want to use the service. Remember that.

  • ウォル



    A lot of things were explained to me, but I was told things that I didn't need, and my head was a mess. Since the envelope is sealed and the address is written on it, all you have to do is tell me how much it would cost to post it, but if it's a Letter Pack, what are you saying like you have to re-insert it or write the address again? I'm just wondering whether to send it by post or by hand, so why bother explaining the replacement plan? At the end of the day, a man came out from behind and just made things more troublesome! Didn't you take a good look at what kind of mail you brought? I don't know how to go out of my way to put it back in! Talk clearly and concisely❗️ Decide what the customer wants! There's no point in explaining everything.I thought this last time, but this post office is really troublesome.

  • hato T

    hato T


    1 star, logically, without any emotional theory. My personal information was exposed, and I directly complained verbally. At the counter, request to use non-standard-size mail for cash. Then a young female staff member “There are no such options!” “Cash must be sent in a special envelope!” I "Ahh?" This was a callous and disrespectful response from an ignorant newbie, as if they were trying to force their way through a misguided effort. If I were an elderly person or a timid person, I would have just given up and just done what the supposedly ``expert'' staff told me and ended up paying nearly double the postage. I “Haha…🤗You can go for non-standard sizes for an additional fee.” new rice "No, cash..." veteran "No, I can go. I'll take your place..." Things went smoothly after the veteran who was standing behind me helped me. Everyone makes mistakes. If you're a newbie, it's a good idea to learn from your mistakes, reflect on them, and grow while being scolded. I don't want to blame myself for that either. However, people who are afraid of making mistakes and can't handle customer service can only be said to have a problem with their upbringing. shame on you.

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