Fukuwatari Clinics w Okayama

JaponiaFukuwatari Clinics



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒709-3111 Okayama, Kita Ward, 建部町福渡1000
kontakt telefon: +81 86-722-0525
strona internetowej: www.fukuwatari-hp.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.8649207, Longitude: 133.9070847

komentarze 5

  • ナノぱんだ



  • dy ia

    dy ia


    When I used it for a fever outpatient visit, I had to wait in the parking lot for two hours. When I called in the morning, I was told that it would be easier to see the doctor in the afternoon because they were fully booked in the morning, so I went to the parking lot before the afternoon reception opened. Even though I had informed them that I had arrived, it took them an hour to come and take the coronavirus test. It took another hour to come to see the doctor. When it was all over, I was so exhausted that I could finally go home. Seriously, this hospital is really bad.

  • あい



    The attitude of the orthopedic surgeon, M, was very bad. I was surprised to hear someone say something so loud and accusatory all of a sudden. I was annoyed by his always angry tone and bossy attitude, but I didn't want to be with someone of this low level, so I didn't stand on the same level as him. He had absolutely no dignity as a doctor, was always irritated, and was sloppy in his work. His treatment was incomparably worse than other doctors I've been to. Even though I came in the morning, I noticed that the birds were chirping, and now I understand why. Although the others were nice, this hospital was the only one with a disappointing experience. I don't want to go there again.

  • 美


  • マイケル



    I have a problem with the director's statement. He makes comments that are unbecoming of a medical professional and disrespects the lives of patients. The administrator is the mayor of Okayama City and Omori, so if you make a complaint to Omori, your voice may be heard. It's under consideration. As evidence of this, even if a cluster occurs within the hospital, there is no communication to patients or their families. This probably reflects the director's mindset. When you leave this hospital, you will receive a positive souvenir from the coronavirus. This is a hospital that I never want to be taken care of again. I will never forgive you.

najbliższy Szpital

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