Fukushima Dental Clinic i Kiyosu

JapanFukushima Dental Clinic



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Kozukanishi-19 Haruhi, Kiyosu, Aichi 452-0961, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 52-400-9466
internet side: fukushimashika.info
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.2334046, Longitude: 136.8357817

kommentar 5

  • Ku H

    Ku H


    The teachers and staff were kind and polite. You can also make reservations online, which is convenient. Payment can be made by cash or PayPay. There is free Wi-Fi, so there is no waiting time. , I don't really care. The parking lot is also quite large for a dentist, so you can safely go there by car.

  • Eiichi Yoshida

    Eiichi Yoshida


    I have been to many different dental clinics, but I feel the most comfortable with treatment at Fukushima Dental Clinic. The teacher is very skillful, and I can trust him to teach me how to use the turbine when sharpening teeth and how to fit it together, based on my experience in making accessories. I feel that he is a good communicator who can give detailed explanations. Currently, I mainly ask for regular dental checkups and whitening, but the dental hygienist also examines my teeth in detail and carefully, and even during whitening, the medicine does not seep into the boundary between the teeth and gums, and there is no pain. I feel reassured that they are taking care of me and asking me questions like this. Going for treatment is important, but I believe that this clinic will help you become more aware of dental health in your daily life as well.

  • ゆきんこ



    Maybe he was really busy, but even though I asked him to treat several areas first and decided on a treatment plan, the next time I went, he forgot that we had even discussed it and said something along the lines of ``this is the end of it.'' I was surprised and felt that it wasn't a good fit for me, so I changed to a different dentist.

  • T “ZAT”

    T “ZAT”


    I understand that the treatment is painless, but the treatment was not good... ■Postscript I will never go to this dentist again. I was undergoing treatment to remove the nerve, but the pain started immediately, so when I contacted them, the reply was, "I'll make an appointment for half a month later." (-""-;) It hurts, so what can I do? I asked him to, but he said, ``I'm sorry, we have a lot of appointments.'' I was taking painkillers, but I couldn't take it anymore, so I went to another dentist, and he said, ``The tooth root treatment wasn't done properly, and there's a lot of bacteria.'' It has reached the bones!'' and I had to go to the hospital 7 or 8 times for treatment. A simple treatment that requires a little bit of scraping may be okay, but it is better for this dentist to refrain from treatment that touches the nerves. Also, the person at the reception desk said that I didn't need the mouthwash because I had received it before, but they just charged me for the treatment, saying, ``The doctor prescribed it,'' without checking... Do you need mouthwash twice in a row? The mouthwash will be gone in less than a week. I feel like this is just a dental clinic that only takes first-time patients.

  • 松岡真由美



    The teacher kept changing and saying the same thing. It's a hospital that rich people go to! Similarly, my daughter, who is in elementary school, had difficulty getting treatment, so I had her brush her teeth with fluoride and that's it! ! Treatment for tooth decay? What are you doing here? It's so hard to get treatment that you might think so! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! If it's just your child's fluoride I thought it was okay to go. Treatment is not recommended. By the way, I went there about a year ago.

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