Fujiyama Pudding Miyazaki i Miyazaki

JapanFujiyama Pudding Miyazaki



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-11-1 Aoshima, Miyazaki, 889-2162, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 70-5502-5670
internet side: so1320.wixsite.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.8001198, Longitude: 131.4683649

kommentar 5

  • Jon Ng

    Jon Ng


    Five of us were here for lunch. Ordered three different curry rice, cheese cake and puddings. The food here is delicious and prices are reasonable. One of the best curry rice we had so far for our trip in Japan and the gravy is not sweet and too starchy. Definitely worth a visit here

  • Selenium



    Lived up to the hype! Whilst a bit slow as it's just one bloke, he's very friendly and my goodness he makes a mean curry! And a fantastic iced latte! And the pudding was to die for. I'm so happy I came here for my first meal of the day. I feel very spoilt!

  • Nikki Roda

    Nikki Roda


    Delightful curries and really sweet staff. Try the puddings - they have special matcha from Kyoto and brown sugar from Okinawa 👍

  • Michelle Cho

    Michelle Cho


    Lovely place for Japanese curry rice. Ate here twice over my 3-day weekend trip. If you like something spicier you can also ask for spicy sauce. Very friendly and polite service. Don’t miss out on the great espresso and variety of pudding for dessert.

  • Ryan Ko

    Ryan Ko


    Spicy curry and homemade pudding is very nice. Recommended!!!

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