Fujiya Ryokan en Iwaki

JapónFujiya Ryokan


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Yunokuchi-8 Yotsukuramachi Tamayama, Iwaki, Fukushima 979-0216, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 246-33-2313
sitio web: www5.plala.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.130314, Longitude: 140.930781

comentarios 5

  • 麻純外池



    This is an inn with beautiful architecture and interior design that will give you a luxurious feel. The hostess's cooking was also excellent. This is an inn where the hot springs will make your skin smooth and soothe your body and mind. They were also very kind and helpful to children. Repeat.

  • 高浜



    The bath was the kind of clear, slippery water I've never had before, and it warmed me up nicely, leaving my skin smooth and smooth. There are cherry blossoms in the garden, and when we stayed in early April, they were in full bloom and very beautiful. Since it is a historic building, the retro-style wide earthen floor, wide veranda, and glass glass catch the eye, but it has been renovated appropriately and is comfortable. The room and futon were fluffy, and the air conditioner was comfortable. However, we do not have loungewear or toothbrush sets for children, so please bring disposables. There is a lot of rice for both breakfast and dinner, so you can eat a lot. I heard that stink bugs come out as the weather gets warmer, and I did see them here and there, but I didn't have any problems with them, so I just killed them (I have an insect killer kit). If you are afraid of insects, we recommend staying during the cold season. The buildings and rooms were well maintained, and there was a fire in the hearth when we left.

  • ビール好き



    At the end of March, I took care of my child. I didn't know much about the food since I was staying without meals, but it was well-cleaned and I had a comfortable stay. The hot water was also good. The system that allows you to reserve the room after 6pm was also great.

  • hideo takahashi

    hideo takahashi


    It's a well-cleaned place. The temperature of the hot spring is low, so it is heated. I only had breakfast, but it was delicious.

  • テリー



    I like the warm personality of the wife. Although the building is old, it is well kept and really clean. The bath is reserved for private use and you can take a relaxing bath. It was quiet because it was a weekday. Although the water was being warmed up, the hostess adjusted the temperature of the water and turned on the heater. It has a slippery feel due to its alkaline nature. I was surprised that the shampoo was also luxurious. The toilet has a washlet. The refrigerator is shared, so be sure to bring your own cooler. It's a shame that there's no Wi-Fi, but if you're just going to soak in the hot springs, it's better to be free from your mobile phone. The futon is fluffy. The breakfast is also simple and delicious. This is an inn I would definitely like to visit again.

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